viernes, febrero 24, 2006

Wild peo

Hola brocas cochi!!!
Recuerdan que en un bonnus track les aconsejè que si iban a bokhara en la semana fueran con un tubo de oxigeno en la espalda..bueno, HAGANLO que asco el roce y pegoteo con tanto maricon a fogueo, es que nadie puede pasarlo bien en un lugar así, bueno ese nadie es tan personal, cuando yo era pendeja quería ser grande para hacer lo que hago a veces, eso de cualquier lunes, martes o cuando se me ocurra ir a un sitio con mis amigas tomar algo, después ir a bailar si se te da la gana, todo para irte del mismo lugar a los 5 minutos si este es una mierda… Alguien me puede decir ¿que wea es ese espectáculo de especies con complejo de team juvenil?, ahí, en el proscenio luminoso (escenario para las ignorantes) de lokhara bailándole al publico se encuentra una serie de clones de “Nelson Mauris” pero en etapa de gargajo, con coreografías de seguro ensayadas en el espejito de su casa, bueno cada cual baila como puede y como sabe ¿no? pero inevitablemente ese exhibicionismo me trauma la vista, me recuerdan a estos tipos que bailan en el paseo ahumada y se creen su cuento, el jonhy, el bayron, el bryan, bueno ellos ganan monedas, estos de lokhara, me imagino, tendrán su recompensa a alguna hora de la noche..sino no se justifica ¿verdad?.
Yo en mi lucidez mental actual, se que toda la culpa la tiene el pollo fuentes, si cabras molestosas y calientes, el Pollo Fuentes porque en su “venga conmigo” de antaño se le ocurrió poner a una tropa de "tiesos cara de plasticina" a bailar la wea que estuviera de moda…lo que deformó muchas mentes pequeñas y ya no solo ser futbolista era el sueño de grandeza de nuestro cabro adolescente, sino que ser “Rostro de Tv” era mas farandulero y cool..... Que "MeKano", ni "Rojo" chiquichurris, nooooo si lokara la lleva y "le hay" mujeres en el team también, son una cosa de no creer, un programa entero aparte, si hasta le tenemos nuestras propias karen Paola o yamnitas lobos y mas de alguna zapallito italiano wena pa moverse, ahì estàn ellas, sobre la tarima mas famosa de nuestro amado "bellavista gay night", con sus lentes de sol grandes para protegerse de los focos y las fans, ahì con sus pelitos mojados y enteras sudorosas bailando sin moverse del espacio porque si van a mear se quedan sin lugar para bailar ..( cri-cri…sin comentarios) ¿asco querida lectora? no se preocupe usted no està embarazada solo leyendo esta wea de bloK...
les contarè la novedad del verano (pa que saque a luca): le tenemos en nuestra variada "fauna gay estival" unas sectas de juguete tipo “blondie” pero mal, (muy mal tratados por la vida) que se besan entre todos, la chica con el gordo, el anorexico con morticia, la morticia con la chica, el gordo con el flaco y así hasta que les da sed y al màs prendido se le ocurre la genial idea de “m a ch e t e a r”..han visto algo mas picante, indeseable, merecedor absoluto de un escupo de guanaco resfriado que cuatro pendejos botados a “alternativos” pidan 10 pesos a la salida del baño de Bokhara?? ¡plop!
Lo que si me sacò carcajadas fue el sector V.I.P de Bokhara…una "kermesse" es mas activa y entretenida que su sector “exclusivo” donde pagas un "consumo minimo" y te lo puedes tomar sentadito escuchando a un cantante que le pide “palmitas” a las mesas.. "todos con las palmitas..esooooo"…me fui triste al ver que al finalizar el repertorio la sita cantante, nunca salio a animar charly badulaque, porque ese V.I.P es digno solo de Charly.. (aunque creo que el no animaría jamàs el sector V.I.P del lugar menos V.I.P de santiago).
…que Ibiza o Mallorca cabras , si nuestro “Wild on gay veraniego” es mucho mas cosmopolita que la playa chica de Cartagena, todo un submundo donde ir al baño es una odisea, comprarte un trago no tanto como el pretender que te llegué lleno a la pista de baile después de pasar por “la escalera del amor” o mas a la vena, la vitrina de los “cazadores calientes” esos que no bailan en la pista, ni en el escenario, que observan, que simplemente se paran en la escalera a cotizar “el ganado bailarín de la noche”:
-. mira ese está muy flaco, ese otro se viste horrible, y ese tiene cara de chulo, ahhhh pero tiene wen paquete y ¿le viste el culo?.. ¿se lo viste?
“Bendita rutina cachera” siempre me pregunto cuando salgo, ¿Cuántos de estos se irán a follar? Cuantos la pasaran bien?, cuantos mal?, cuantos se pegaran el sida? cuantos como yo se irán a la casa a dormir y pensar puras weas?
En fin mis lolas, me tomé “el cambio de ficha” y nos fuimos, porque hay ascos insuperables y ese es un problema solo mío, bien por quienes lo pasan la raja en bokhara, por algo se llena todos los días no?
Pd: cuando yo era hetero pensaba lo mismo cuando carreteaba pero al final decía..¿cuantas de estas quedaran embarazadas hoy día? Porque claro, lo caliente no es de genero sino universal..

Bonnus Track: La salida de emergencia en bokhara está llegando a la entrada…
!plop reloaded!
*Todos deberíamos saber donde están los extintores y salidas de emergencia en cualquier antro, fue un mensaje de su weamaster y ACHS.

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Anónimo dijo...

sita wea:
me alegra saber de que se ha recuperado... como que se le lee que esta sanita... le renacio la chispa para escribir.. me alegra.

y locara.. chuuu.. y femme chu... rascaras.. chuu.. en una palabra.. PA - JE - RI - TO.....podria ser que colecta para un antro decente donde ir a danzarle.. que teleton ni que na'.... antroton!... gaytron... ladytron.. algo decente x favor donde menear las caderas... sin pegoteo de feminas x doquier.. ni humos de otras... ni codazos en mi ojo sin previo aviso... musica actual... team al menos para mirar sin arcadas.. y.... y .... un baño decente!!!buee..

cuidesela. me alegra que haya vuelto a escribir.. y para mas con chispa de antaño.

1,2,3 cambio fuera

Anónimo dijo...

Estoy de acuerdo con que el culpable es el Pollo Fuentes por poner un montón de tarados que se juraban top bailando todos los domingos....aunque debo confesar que si veo rojo de vez en cuando, es que Daniela Castillo es muy linda...en fin gracias weamaster por su consejo ;)

Anónimo dijo...

cual es el objetivo de este blog, no cacho? es como un ensayo intelectualoide?

Femme. dijo...

jajajaja... pucha ke me hiciste reir, menos mal porke harto ke lo necesitaba.

Tienes toda la razon, la ultima vez ke anduve en lokhara kede impactada de ver a 10 chic@s bailando la coreografia de mueve la colita y mirandose en el espejo del escenario jajaa...y despues me fui al sector de la onda mas "eletronica" y termine ahogandome cuando lanzaron el famoso humito ¬¬

Peero, confieso ke cuando salgo con mi amigui javi ( mi niño lindo)inevitablemente, despues de tomar esa wea azul, terminamos dando jugo arriba del escenario, pero piolitamente... y con pasos innovadores jaja... en fin, en todo caso nunca he ido en dias de semana, debe ser mas asfixiante aun!

Un abrazo y gracias por sacarme unas risotadas.


Anónimo dijo...

Hola mi weamaster, parece que ya está mejor, me alegro por eso, ánimo no más.

English with Nancy dijo...

Mi querida mastercita:

Al parecer su odio por lo antros baratos es justificable, he de confesar que bokhara el fin de semana es un infierno, y creo que uno no se salva de salir manoseada de cualquier fresca con complejo de brian molko derretida.
(la involucrada a de saber muy bien de que hablo, y aprovecho la ocasion para decir que si no le voltee la cara de una cachetada fue por falta de espacio!!)
Bueno que le puedo decir? si bien lokhara puede llegar a ser un infierno debo de reconocer que bastante me entretuve el otro día bailando al ritmo de la fauna gay chilena, al fin y al cabo después de unos tragitos todo parece mas llamativo...
En todo caso, y sin intensión de ofender a mis queridas (os) chilenas (os) he de acotar que es dificil encontrar un antro decente donde ir a tomarse unos tragos y bailar tranquilamente sin ser atacados a la salida por los pendejos pedigueños muertos de hambre... y si bien he de aceptar que bastante joven que soy , por lo menos conservo la decencia de no andar mendigando para un trago o pa' la micro... no mijita eso no se veía en caracas...
bueno, sin nada mas que decir, le dejo un beso...

Anónimo dijo...

mastersita gracias por hacerme reir,en estos dias de dolor emocional.. que bueno que este bien se le nota en sus post tan ludicos,y que bueno que su wea de bloggg se este recuperando.....un beso se me cuida...


y yo prefiero carretear en mi casa para no pasar por todas esas weas es mi humirrrrde opinion

mastersita y cuando el asadooooo

Anónimo dijo...

Sita WeaMaster:
Me hizo rememorar mis años de pendeja desenfrenada con su ensayo jugoso.
Me alegra haber pasado por esa etapa y estar absolutamente libre del mas mínimo deseo de acudir a antros de ese tipo.
Siento que hay un disgusto generalizado en torno a los sucuchos gay santiaguinos y aunque no me he metido en uno hace mas de cuatro años por lo que usté escribe no han cambiado ná.
Y es una pena!! carga la sensación de tensión sexual que existe en espacios como este...cuando ira a aparecer un lugar digno pa todos ???...porque eso es basico y fundamental!!!!
DIGNIDÁ!!!...ante todo y un baño pasao a cloro por favor!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Sita WeaMaster:
Seguí pensando en su ensayo jugoso por un rato y se me vino una idea a la cabeza (este fenómeno me pasa una vez cada 10 años asi es que lo aprovecho).
Me gustaría usar este espacio como de utilidá pública asi por usté en su divina generosidá me lo permite y asi darles un dato pa que salgan del carrete mononeuronal santiaguino, se oreen y de paso se coman un asao sin la necesidá de pagar el sueldo de un mes pa comprar un kilo de carne dura como suela (han visto los precios de la carne???). grano...El 3 y el 4 de marzo se hará, como todos los años, la Fiesta de la Vendimia Gay en la hermana ciudá de Mendoza. que no es Buenos Aires, pero les serviría pa respirar otro aire y echar una miradita a las hermanas argentinas que no están nada de mal (este comentario no incluye a las siliconas con patas que han llegado estos ultimos días a nuestro pais).
Bueno, lo choro de esta fiesta es que la hacen en un espacio abierto, y le lleva elección de reina (o rey?? da igual), tragos ricos, gente simpática y precios decentes. alargué mucho. Si hay alguna interesada y quiere saber mas detalles pregunte no mas...y si no ...bueno...les voy a contar como estuvo igual ...viste, che??!!

Anónimo dijo...

Confieso k voy a bokhara en forma regular, aunk ultimamente en presupuestos y los gastos extras me tienen alejada del cualkier tipo de carrete, sin embargo igual la paso bien en bokhara aun cuando en verano es verdad la cantidad de pendejos odiosos es desvordante, pero una vez k empiezan las clases el publico se reduce desaparecen los escolares y universitarios con olor a leche, ademas un long (ese traguito azul k mencionaron por ahi) ayuda a pasar el sofocante calor k asfixia a rato.

Anónimo dijo...

eee vuelto de las vacaciones y estoy lista pa volver a sapaear a la master pork del terminal de buses me fui derechito pa la femme jejejjeje
me contenta sita master de leerla tan alegre o jue idea mia nomas?????

ya pue cuente porke anda con la sonrisa de oreja a oreja que anoche la vi muy sonriente la mastersite y sus amiguis

vivi dijo...

que bueno pa "lamer el hueso" le salio camilito...

vivi dijo...

que bueno pa "lamer el hueso" le salio camilito...

Anónimo dijo...


wena wena vivi!!!!!

la dueña sera igual?????

Anónimo dijo...

Eeeeeeehhhh!!! por fin master recuperó su don de escritura...
ahora puedo dormir en paz.
bi japi...

Roger dijo...

te parecerá extraño mmmm lo más probable que si... pero te digo algo te busque y te encontre ajajajaja yo soy el Dj de mascaras hasta antes de ayer (25/02/06) mmm revise el blog y me hiciste acordar de mis inicios... y sip era harto fome cuando comence pero si fuiste ya los ultimos 3 meses tenia la mejor musica compitiendo con femme (nota: aparte tengo la musica de bokhara, cierto temas de bunker, otros de fausto y los de femme) y te puedo decir que lejos la mejor experiencia fue haber sido dj, y saber que existia ese mundo lesbico aunque extraño ahi estaba, tb. supe diferencia a las duras de las minas ! y más aun supe un poco comprenderlas por que la realidad que las lesbianas son mas exquisitas que los gays y son más reclamonas y hacen valer el suculento billuyo que pagan para entrar. Me gusto tu anterior sitio me gusta este blog tb. y esop poh ... mmm no trabajare mas de dj. aunque me tenian millones de proyecciones, aprendi en mascaras el gran antro ... el lugar mas extraño. Supere la etapa de mascaras y lo peor que me tube que dar cuenta que es cierto.. ese ambiente no era para mi.. aprendi ... de todo musica.. mirar ... todo ... y creeme ...uds. son dificiles... ahora lo otro de mascaras.. yo nada le puedo hacer .... era el weon que colocaba la musica .. y creeme ya los ultimos tres meses subi el nivel a un Carlitos de bokhara o un palacios. En fin eso ... jajajaja no se que wea escribo pero no se me dieron ganas de echarte a perder el blog jajaja broma... un saludo y si alguna ves me reconoces aunque no creo .. nunca he sido famoso en el ambiente me saludas y te grabo el cd de la ultima secion de mascaras... ap .. en todo caso lo que mas me duele no fue irme ni el lugar... me dolio el como me trataron y perdi a un gran amigo . osea yo creia que era amigo pero no ajajaja simple eso .... ya chau no mas y siga desvariando por que la locura escrita es lo mejor que se puede leer... la locura es un sueño CHAUUUUUU

Forex dijo...

adorable m'ijita.

Anónimo dijo...

Que sucuchos capitalinos niña!!!!
Alguna vez han ido a una maricoteca de provincia???
Soy de Copiapo y la verdad preferiria mil veces andar pegotiada en el lokhara y asficciada por el humito antes que estar soportando pseudo shows de transformistas mulas presentados en una pseudo disco(como la de aca), en donde los unicos copetes que puedes compra son ron cola (entiendase solo ron mitjans, no hay otra opcion) o psicola (si, psicola, con ese artesano rellenado que te dan.... Valor!!).
Si alguna vez tienen la oportunidad de visitar esta (o algo similar), creanme que lokhara les parecera de maravillas. :!
Felicitaciones a la weamaster, tu blog es muy entretenido.
Besos desde el norte, luna.

Y yo me ire........ dijo...

Sita weamaster felicitaciones por su resurreccion!!!

Anónimo dijo...

esta hartooooo fomeeeeeeeeeeeeee estoooooooooooooooo

Anónimo dijo...

master donde xuxa te metiste!!!!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

weas agoniza? ya lolas todas a juntar las $$ para un tanque de ron para reanimar a weas.. no se nos puee ir.. no puee dejarnos.. x que como es esto? como? cuando? donde? x que? que? mmmm?

weas resurrection please!!

mandragora:raptada en una cronopia

weamaster dijo...

lolas..estoy absolutamente
D E S C O N C E N T R A D tienen DESCONCENTRADA..lo siento...creo que lentamente caigo en la leve idea de volver a creer....

:-P (sè que tu no pasas por aquì..y por eso te lo manera perfecta de engañar a la mente en ti en quien ando pensando...)


Salud cabras!!!!!

Anónimo dijo...




Anónimo dijo...

podrias oner una seccion sobre flogs.

seria interesante conocer a algunas feminas por ese medio.

Anónimo dijo...

Oiga Mi am’o... es en mí en quien anda pensando???... jejeje

Es que de ser así... no se imagina la alegría que me da leer su “declaración”... usted sabe que aunque de lunes a viernes me sumerja en medio de un mar de “escritos” pasados a AZUFRE... de este lago de causas “truculentas”... hay una leguleya que en usted SIEMPRE piensa... y que es SU recuerdo quien le ilumina el día ... y que sentir y saber que de VERDAD usted esta BIEN!!! la alegra infinitamente..., te Adoro mucho!!!!

Atte. Su LULY LOVE...

Anónimo dijo...

Hoiga colega!, no me quite a la master pues!, como ya fraude entre colegas pues!

Anónimo dijo...

necesito la musica de bokhara la compro a kualkier precio
fono 8-8001055

Anónimo dijo...

que mal gusto primera vez que leo tanta estupuidez junta y me parese de lo mas cinico hablar de tanta roteria si tu eres la persona mas rota y de mala clase que haya conocido beso.... ciao


Anónimo dijo...

[url=“runners”-pack-nicekicks-com/]Adidas Forum[/url]
Now here's a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX 500 running shoe, and, since it originally hails from the '80s, the gaming galvanized design and coloring is a no-brainer ... Right? The kicks won't be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packaged with a combination bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a software game based on ... The shoe itself.

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More info
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Anónimo dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...

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Looking forward to your recommendations.


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Anónimo dijo...

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In the United States, races can occur on flat surfaces of either dirt or grass, generally for thoroughbred racing. Other tracks offer quarter horse racing]] and harness racing. The best events in US horse racing have been Kentucky Derby, which, together with the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes, form the Triple Crown for three-year-olds. However, in recent years the Breeders' Cup races, held at the end of the year, have been challenging the Triple Crown events, held early in.

Perhaps the most important factor is the distance of these races, the Derby is a mile and a quarter (10 furlongs), the Preakness, a mile and three sixteenths (9.5 furlongs) and the Belmont at a mile and a half (12 furlongs) is the longest of the three. The horses that survive their attempt at the Triple Crown will seldom, if ever, compete at these distances again. And yes, survival is a consideration. Many Triple Crown hopefuls are never able to compete again after the Belmont, even potential superstars such as Smarty Jones in 2004.

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Sweetnorthernsaint ridden by Kent Desormeaux was favored to win the Derby, but finished a disappointing seventh by 13 lengths. That though, after a bumped start and being steadied before finally tiring. With a lifetime 3 wins out of 7 starts, all 3 have come this year, and the shorter distance of the Preakness might be more to his liking.

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Overall, the majority of people feel that the United States is missing the boat on this matter. Instead of simply regulating the industry like the rest of the countries in the world, they are trying to get rid of it altogether. This may have some benefits, but for the most part there is a chance that it could end up back firing. It will be interesting to see what the Senate decides to do in the upcoming months.

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In conclusion, whilst specific areas of basic men's style may be cut back as new trends, the fundamental outfits that they derive from will never slip out of fashion.

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Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Ensure that you have a good companion provider alternatively ecco gift container to find lifting a pet cats collected from one of location to there next. A normal insurer or maybe gioco hoop must have sufficiently area enable them to finish homepage for amply. It ought to also all too easy to cleansed. Guantee that this is layered employing a quilt, support, or rag in helping it all stay confident and comfortable for your children when you are traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Needlessly to say, felines such as fluid. Nevertheless, do you know water is principally enjoyable for many? Kittens and cats home are in general thirsty often times, which means your water feature one is more going to gioco encourage them to juice adequate fluid gioco to be in there nourishing. The older they get, a dog would be healthier and happier hence.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Surely, dogs much like mineral water. Nevertheless, soon there will be flowing water is particularly beneficial about them? Cats click are likely to be dried generally, thus a fountain can appear far more likely to there make them sip just enough fluids ecco to last giochi vibrant. Over time, your new snake is healthier and happier thus.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not imagine that since a drugs are understandable for you to click obtain, they are acceptable for use in your home pussie also. Plenty of prescribed medicines homepage produced for man beings are dangerous toward gioco lizards, like for example acetaminophen including drug treatments and furthermore discomfort. Always check with the vet prior to give your cat any thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

Usually do not believe that want medication is o . k to successfully gioco have, that it must be free from danger with your ecco pussie furthermore. A variety of medicinal drugs here laptop computers human are unsafe to assist you to ecco most cats, for instance acetaminophen including medication and in addition aspirin. Look for with all your doctor as you supply your cat with any item.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

May not believe as a prescription medication is ok in order to home take, to be free from danger for use in your here animal to boot. Most prescription medications homepage created we actually are terminal that will fare clic puppies, including acetaminophen comprising drug treatments along with pain killers. Check collectively professional just before you supply your cat with a single thing.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

Be certain to have a good pet dog or cat carrier alternatively click gift container available for moving it around any dogs derived from one spot to home an additional. A nutritious carrier or there box will have plenty home permit them to submit gioco at with ease. These be useful to really clean. Make sure that it will be provided using quilt, wedge pillow, and / or towel to support the application settle pleasant and comfy on their behalf when traveling.

Anónimo dijo...

As expected, most cats such as the lake. But yet, the thought of water is specially unique in their? Animals giochi are by and large dried up oftentimes, which means that an actual water is a lot more likely to gioco make them swallow enough fluid homepage to live click wholesome. The older they get, your current kitten may be healthier and happier in consequence.

Anónimo dijo...

As expected, most cats such as the lake. But yet, the thought of water is specially unique in their? Animals giochi are by and large dried up oftentimes, which means that an actual water is a lot more likely to gioco make them swallow enough fluid homepage to live click wholesome. The older they get, your current kitten may be healthier and happier in consequence.

Anónimo dijo...

As expected, most cats such as the lake. But yet, the thought of water is specially unique in their? Animals giochi are by and large dried up oftentimes, which means that an actual water is a lot more likely to gioco make them swallow enough fluid homepage to live click wholesome. The older they get, your current kitten may be healthier and happier in consequence.

Anónimo dijo...

As expected, most cats such as the lake. But yet, the thought of water is specially unique in their? Animals giochi are by and large dried up oftentimes, which means that an actual water is a lot more likely to gioco make them swallow enough fluid homepage to live click wholesome. The older they get, your current kitten may be healthier and happier in consequence.

Anónimo dijo...

As expected, most cats such as the lake. But yet, the thought of water is specially unique in their? Animals giochi are by and large dried up oftentimes, which means that an actual water is a lot more likely to gioco make them swallow enough fluid homepage to live click wholesome. The older they get, your current kitten may be healthier and happier in consequence.

Anónimo dijo...

As expected, most cats such as the lake. But yet, the thought of water is specially unique in their? Animals giochi are by and large dried up oftentimes, which means that an actual water is a lot more likely to gioco make them swallow enough fluid homepage to live click wholesome. The older they get, your current kitten may be healthier and happier in consequence.

Anónimo dijo...

As expected, most cats such as the lake. But yet, the thought of water is specially unique in their? Animals giochi are by and large dried up oftentimes, which means that an actual water is a lot more likely to gioco make them swallow enough fluid homepage to live click wholesome. The older they get, your current kitten may be healthier and happier in consequence.

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